Amaryllis Bulb Reblooming - Knowledgebase Question

Middletown, RI
Avatar for JJSteadman
Question by JJSteadman
February 27, 2001
I purchased some amaryllis bulbs over Christmas and they have finished blooming. Will they rebloom next year? Do I need to cut off the foliage and should I just keep them in the pot they came in?
Any advice would be appreciated.

Answer from NGA
February 27, 2001
If your bulb is planted in plain peat moss as the gift bulbs sometimes are, you should repot it using a pot only about an inch wider than the bulb itself and using a well draining potting mix or an all purpose soilless potting mix. Make sure to plant it so that the top half to one third of the bulb is above the soil line. Keep the soil slightly moist but not sopping wet during the growing season. Here are the general instructions:

Amaryllis can be kept alive and be brought back to
blossom the following year but this takes a little work. Once the flowers fade, trim away the bloom stalk and allow the foliage to grow. Bright, indirect
light is best. Keep the soil slightly moist and fertilize monthly with a liquid fertilizer so the plant grows vigorously. The foliage needs to be strong and healthy in order to rebuild the bulb's strength to bloom again. In late summer or early fall, the leaves should begin to turn yellow. The yellowing
indicates the amaryllis needs a rest. If they do not begin to yellow on their own, simply withhold water beginning in September and thus force the plant into dormancy. Once the leaves wither, cut the leaves back to
the neck of the bulb and store it, pot and all in a cool (55F),
dark place such as a garage or basement for about eight to ten weeks without watering. Then finally, water lightly and place it in a bright location. The bulbs should resprout and bloom again. Repot every 3-4 years in the spring after blooming. Enjoy!

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