Non-toxic Pest Control For Grapes - Knowledgebase Question

Mentone, AL
Avatar for mtgts
Question by mtgts
March 3, 2001
We have a very serious problem with hornets and yellow jackets stinging concord grapes so much so that they are rendered unless. We need a solution that will make the pests leave the grapes alone so that we can use them for jelly or wine etc. Thanks Dianne

Answer from NGA
March 3, 2001
Bees, wasps and hornets are attracted by the fragrance of ripe grapes and they just can't resist the sweet nectar provided by the fruit. But, because they're pollinating insects, if you destroy them you'll won't have many grapes - or fruit of any kind - next year. You can try to keep the grapes harvested as they ripen and not allow overripe fruit to remain on the vines. Harvest as often as necessary to remove the sweet scent and sugary juice that is irresistable to the wasps.

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