Ficus Plant Losing Leaves - Knowledgebase Question

Princeton, WV
Avatar for cnmcpeak
Question by cnmcpeak
March 5, 2001
Why is my ficus plant losing leaves?

Answer from NGA
March 5, 2001
. Ficus will lose its leaves if sudden changes of light or
temperature are made. Don't worry though, an otherwise healthy plant will usually put on new leaves and adapt itself to the new situation.

Here are some general pointers: The Ficus, sometimes
called Weeping Fig, does best in well lighted areas, but not
much direct sunlight. In Summer give the Ficus plenty of
water, enough to keep the soil evenly moist but not sopping wet. Fertilize with a liquid fertilizer twice a month in Summer (follow label instructions). In Winter, cut back on water somewhat and do not fertilize. Try to keep the atmosphere around the tree somewhat humid in winter during the heating season.

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