Curled Citrus Leaves - Knowledgebase Question

Oak Park, CA
Avatar for fx1world
Question by fx1world
March 8, 2001
My lemon and orange trees have their new leafs curled and some of them are eaten but I can not see any pest on them. Is there anything that I can do to prevent or stop it from happening.

Thanks for your suggstions.

Answer from NGA
March 8, 2001
I've had a similar experience with my trees. When this happens I can usually trace the problem back to a cold snap that damaged the leaf buds as the leaves were forming. As leaves unfold they're wrinkled or distorted. It won't affect the productivity of your citrus trees. Drought stress can also cause the leaves to cup and curl. Citrus requires moist soil so be sure to water frequently and deeply during the spring and summer months.

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