I am very new to seed starting,usually I just run to nursery ang pick up a bunch of interesting plants, put them in the garden and hope for the best.This year I decided to get a head start on every thing indoor and grow my own "babies". I have read a ton of stuff, asked alot of questions so I feel very confident. The only plant I am having trouble with is the cypress vine (cardinal climber) I planted them in a sterile seed starting medium,in a tray with a plastic cover,under light for 12 hours a day,and misted with water only once a day, every thing looked good, and when they sprouted, I took the cover off.Then about 1 week later the leaves looked brown and then they started to dry up and then the seedlings started to wilt. what am I doing wrong? I have looked in the books but cant find anything. the room where the are is about 62-65 degrees. please help... Thanks, Irma. |
These plants are usually seeded in the garden where they are going to grow because they are difficult to transplant. Started indoors, they might be planted one to an extra tall pot and provided a stick on which to climb. They grow so quickly however that it is difficult to accommodate them until the temperatures (and the soil) are warm enough to plant them outdoors. Based on your description, they (and your other seedlings) might be better off with 16 hours of light a day; since this plant likes heat, it is possible it would like an air temperature about ten degrees higher as well. Be careful too that you are not wetting the foliage when you water, that there is good air circulation in the room, and that you are not overwatering the soil. I hope this helps you trouble shoot. |