Getting Rid Of Roots - Knowledgebase Question

Trabuco Canyon, CA
Avatar for karenkp
Question by karenkp
March 20, 2001
I removed some plants that had roots which spread throughout the bed. I dug up alot of it, but the roots seem to be deep. Do I need to worry about these roots before replanting and If so what is the best thing to do?



Answer from NGA
March 20, 2001
Without knowing whether the plants you removed are reputed to be invasive, I can't say with certainty - but if you removed the main root masses of the plants you dug from the bed, the remaining roots will probably die off. Exceptions to this rule are plants such as horseradish and mint. Their roots will sprout if left behind in a bed. If you're unsure about the original plants it will probably be worth your effort to dig down and remove any remaining roots before planting your new bed.

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