Geranium Cuttings - Knowledgebase Question

Brooklyn, NY
Avatar for susanu
Question by susanu
March 27, 2001
How do I take a cutting from a friend's Geranium (I've never done this before, so I'm not sure if it's possible)?

Answer from NGA
March 27, 2001
Geraniums such as we grow as a summer flowering plant and as a houseplant can be propagated by cuttings. The best time to try is in the spring. Take a branch tip about four to six inches long, cutting just below a node or the spot where leaves emerge from the stem. Remove any leaves from the bottom two thirds of the piece, and let it sit out in the air for a day or two to callous a bit. Then dip the cut end in rooting hormone (sold in garden centers) and stick it upright into a clean pot of barely damp soilless potting mix. About a third of the cutting should be above the soil. Water it lightly to eliminate air pockets and wrap it in clear plastic or set a plastic dome over top, and put the pot in a warm bright spot out of direct sun. (Direct sun would overheat it.) The cover should maintain humidity, but open it occasionally to check that the soil is still barely damp and to allow for air exchange. Prop it open if there is excessive condensation. Roots should form in a few weeks. Gradually remove the cover and move the plant into very bright direct light and begin fertilizing with a dilute water soluble fertilizer. Good luck with your project!

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