Pussywillow Bush - Knowledgebase Question

Wauconda, IL
Avatar for bsandps
Question by bsandps
March 28, 2001
A home we just bought has a very large pussywillow bush that is actually over grown for the area it is in. I always was told that pussywillows should be pruned down every year after the pussys bloom. Can you tell me if I will hurt this tree of a bush if I prune it back at this age? Also tell me the proper way to do this and when? How far down can I go?

Answer from NGA
March 28, 2001
Pussywillows are actually trees if not pruned back regularly. Harvesting the branches for pussywillows will help keep the plant bushy rather than tree-like. The best time to cut it back is very early spring. Cutting it back hard should promote bushiness in the coming year.

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