Blue Skies Lilac - Knowledgebase Question

Temecula, CA
Avatar for djbixler
Question by djbixler
March 30, 2001
I bought a Blue Skies lilac and installed it on the east side where it will receive morning sun. While I've read that lilacs prefer full sun, lots of supposedly full sun plants actually prefer partial sun/afternoon shade conditions where I live. Even the assistants at the nursery where I purchased it gave conflicting advice. Did I choose a good site or should I move it to receive more sun? Thanks!!!

Answer from NGA
March 30, 2001
Blue Skies Lilac is Syringa vulgaris `Monore`, one of the best lilacs for warm winter areas. Spectacular clusters of light lavender-blue flowers are produced without winter chilling! Bright green foliage maintains an attractive appearance all summer. Deciduous. Full to partial sun. Fast grower to 10 feet tall, 6 feet wide. Follow a regular watering schedule during the first growing season to establish a deep, extensive root system. Feed with a general purpose fertilizer before new growth begins in spring. Increase watering before spring bloom. Prune after flowering. I think you've found the perfect spot in your landscape for your new lilac.

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