Termites Or Ants In Gardeb Bed - Knowledgebase Question

Accord, NY
Avatar for dkahlstrom
Question by dkahlstrom
April 3, 2001
Last fall we had a new garden put in at the front of our house. We had top soil brought in. As I was planting in the garden I saw the soil was teeming with either termites or black ants with wings. I am afraid they will still be there when the spring thaw comes. How can I get rid of them.

Answer from NGA
April 3, 2001
The answer to your question depends on what they really are, termites or ants or something else entirely. I would strongly suggest you take a sample of the insect to your county extension (340-3990) for a definite identification and their recommendation how to control them. They will have the most up to date recommendations for your area and will also be aware of recent emergence trends/timing in your area.

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