Passifloa Vitifolia Lost All Its Leaves - Knowledgebase Question

Oakland, CA
Avatar for Tomvimcenzo
Question by Tomvimcenzo
April 9, 2001
Can you please give me advice on why my Red Granadilla vine suddenly (last month)dropped all its leaves.I removed it from the ground and placed it into a large pot because the roots appeared to be alive yet a bit soggy.What should I do in the way of sun,fertilizers and belief it might come back.It bloomed lat fall on a west facing wall.Seemed happy until a sudden period of about three days when it was just a mangled set of twining stems.Thanks for any help!!!!

Answer from NGA
April 9, 2001
Passiflora vitifolia should thrive in full sun or partial shade when given moderate, regular water. The plants demand well-draining soil, so I suspect that while the sun exposure was correct, the soil just got too soggy over the winter months. Now that you've potted the plant up the drainage should improve. Cut back the withered stems to encourage new growth this spring and summer. If you decide to replant in the ground, amend the soil with organic matter to facilitate fast drainage prior to replanting your passiflora.

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