Impatience Seedlings - Knowledgebase Question

Brielle, NJ
Avatar for Dinke
Question by Dinke
April 13, 2001
My impatience seedlings are about 2" tall and healthy looking, but there are no flower
buds on them. Impatience seedlings in the garden centers have buds already. Am I
really the "impatient" one or should I have fertilized them?

Answer from NGA
April 13, 2001
Commercial growers follow optimum procedures and occasionally use chemical treatments to force plants into bud in time for eraly sales in the packs. At home, it is difficult to replicate those growing conditions.

Fertilization with a weak solution of general purpose water soluble fertilizer, according to the label instructions should be sufficient, beginning when the plants have one or two sets of true leaves.

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