Cold Weather And Tomatoes - Knowledgebase Question

Mooresville, NC
Avatar for panchovia262
Question by panchovia262
April 15, 2001
Its going to get down to about 29 deg f and 27deg f in my state in a couple of nights. should i dig my tomatoes up and bring inside?

Answer from NGA
April 15, 2001
Usually, gardeners will try to protect the plants from the cold without digging them up. You could try the water insulating teepess or a spun bonded poly frost blanket or erect a temporary cold frame over them using heavy plastic sheeting. Sometimes an upturned cardboard box set over the plant will do the job. A double layer of boxes with straw or dry leaves packed in between would be a good insulator, as would an old styrofoam cooler. If you really have no way to protect them and they have not been in the ground for very long, you could dig them up and bring them inside for the night, but that type of movement is a shock to the plants, too. We are all hoping the weather guessers are a little on the cold side of right this time.

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