Propagating Hydrangea - Knowledgebase Question

Toronto, ON
Avatar for ck325
Question by ck325
April 16, 2001
I have a large hydrangea and I would like to spilt it or reproduce more hydrangea. How can I do it?

Answer from NGA
April 16, 2001
Hydrangea can be propagated by layering or root-cutting. The simplest method would be layering, and in-fact, it may have self-layered already. Look around the base of the plant for new shoots presenting themselves. If you gently dig down you may see it can be cut from the main plant. It will have a stem and root attached. After you cut the attachment, dig it up and plant it where you wish! Or, you can layer it by bending a long stem, gently placing it under the surface of the soil (while still attached to the mother plant). I always put a large rock on top of this location to hold the stem there, and also to identify where I am working on a root layering. Leave it like this for a growing season and then, being sure a root has formed, cut it from the mother plant, dig the root up gently and plant it where you would like! Layering should be done in early spring.

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