Fruiting Of Dwarf Lemon Tree - Knowledgebase Question

Scarsdale, NY
Avatar for vperfetti
Question by vperfetti
April 16, 2001
I have a dwarf lemon tree that is more than 4 years old and has not yet set a flower! I have provided fertilizer each spring and pruned the tree (which is kept in doors in the winter) to minimize its vegetative growth. I was told that a main sap root may be present. Upon transplanting the tree to a larger pot I did not notice any tap root but a very dense root ball. I trimmed that back but the tree only produces extensive vegetative growth with no flowers, let alone fruit. Is there anything I can do? It is a dwarf lemon tree I purchased in Florida. The leaves, when picked and crushed, have a profuse lemon scent so I think it definitely is a viable tree.
Please help!

Answer from NGA
April 16, 2001
These trees need to bloom in order to set fruit. If you are pruning often you may be removing the blooming wood; pruning hsould only be done in late winter.

They also need very bright light combined with cool to average temperatures in the winter time. Fertilizing with a fertilizer for acid loving plants may also help, applying it from January through September but ceasing for the winter then the plant naturally slows its growth. Make sure you are not overfeeding as this can lead to an overabundance of foliage in preference to flowers.

Finally, it can take some varieties several years to come into production, so it may be that patience is the key. Good luck with your lemon!

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