Hydrangeas - Knowledgebase Question

San Antonio, TX
Avatar for jnichols2
Question by jnichols2
April 21, 2001
What are the different kinds (names) of hydrangea macrophyllia and what are the colors?

Answer from NGA
April 21, 2001
Hydrangea macrophylla is the Big Leaf Hydrangea. There are many named varieties, including blue 'All Summer Beauty', 'Blue Prince', 'Compacta', 'Domotoi', 'Nikko Blue', 'Blue Wave', 'Coerulea'. Whites include 'Lanarth White', 'Quadricolor' and 'Variegata'. Pinks are 'Forever Pink', 'Otaksa' and 'Mariesii'. 'Westfalen' has a deep purple blue bloom.

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