Coneless Pine Trees - Knowledgebase Question

St. Paul, MN
Avatar for wdmotz
Question by wdmotz
April 27, 2001
Are there pine trees that produce no cones? I want to plant some pine trees for privacy and do not want pine cones. I would like a variety that would not grow too tall, so I could plant them near power lines.

Answer from NGA
April 27, 2001
As far as I know, all pines (Pinus species) will eventually produce cones. You might consider a slow-growing dwarf variety, that will take a long time to reach maturity, such as dwarf mugo pine (Pinus mugo pumilio), compact Austrian black pine (Pinus nigra 'Compacta', or swarf eastern white pine (Pinus strobus 'Nana').

Please note, however, that pine cones do provide food for wildlife.

If you don't have your heart set on a pine, you might consider other evergreens, such as small varieties of juniper (which produce small, fleshy, almost berry-like cones).

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