Cherry Tree - Knowledgebase Question

Garfield, NJ
Avatar for nnjjhhcchick
Question by nnjjhhcchick
April 27, 2001
I have a cherry tree in my yard and last year every cherry I picked off the tree had a tiny white worm-like bug inside the fruit. I want to know what (hose-compatible spray) I can use to have bug free cherries this year? Please advise.

Thank you,

Answer from NGA
April 27, 2001
In order to know what to spray or how to control a pest, you need to first know for sure what the pest is and then ascertain the most appropriate control for it. I would suggest you contact your county extension for a definite identification of the pest and their most up to date control recommendations for that pest. There are usually specific time frames during which sprays must be applied (some very early in the season or within a week of bloom time) in order for them to be effective, so you should check with them as soon as possible. Their phone number is 599-6162.

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