Azalea Golden Lights - Knowledgebase Question

Hackettstown, NJ
Avatar for frankreinbol
Question by frankreinbol
May 1, 2001
I have a new Azalea "Golden Lights". Can you tell me what this plant like to be fertilized with ? And sunlight recomendations? Also Does plant flower?

Answer from NGA
May 1, 2001
Azaleas generally respond well to a slow release fertilizer formulated for acid loving plants. Apply it according to the label instructions. They also prefer an acid soil that is rich in humus and that stays evenly moist yet is well drained, meaning not soggy. These plants are shallow rooted and benefit from a year round mulch, about two to three inches thick, applied over the root zone but not touching the plant. Azaleas will grow well in morning sun, dappled light all day, or full sun all day if the soil is moist. Avoid a location with sun only in the afternoon.

The particular azalea has lovely yellow blooms.

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