Lack Of Sun - Knowledgebase Question

Williamsville, NY
Avatar for shoes10_1422
Question by shoes10_1422
May 6, 2001
The front of my hose does not really get any sun. Right now I have some bushes that look sad and 2 hydranges that I do not really like, I also have a Japenesse maple that was planted last yr that I love. I would like to pull up the bushes and the ground cover and ass some coloer to the front of the house. I am tired of it just being green. Can you please suggest something that I can plant in front to give to add some color. Something that of couse requires little to no sun to grow. Thanks

Answer from NGA
May 6, 2001
To go with a Japanese maple, you might try a background of hostas. These can be found with green, blue, gold, or striped foliage and depending on variety, a single plant can reach four feet across and several feet high or there are also ground covering types that are just a few inches tall. Additional suggestions would include ferns of various types, pulmonaria, and lily of the valley.

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