My Mums Look Dead - Knowledgebase Question

Elmwood, NE
Avatar for ts90636
Question by ts90636
May 12, 2001
Why do my mums look dead? I cut them back in the late fall and now this spring they don't seem to be coming up, what did I do wrong?

Answer from NGA
May 12, 2001
There are several possible causes for mums to fail over the winter. Mums must be planted in a well drained location or they will "drown" during cold wet weather. They must also be hardy for the area where you live and some varieties are hardier than others. They should be well established and rooted before winter sets in and a late planting can be too short a time for them to root. Some mums are simply not long lived and may last only a year or two in the garden unless divided regularly to maintain their vigor. Finally, mums do tend to come up a bit late in the spring, so you may still see some new growth around the perimeter of the original crown.

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