What Is A Golden Glow? - Knowledgebase Question

Elgin, IL
Avatar for hwille1234
Question by hwille1234
May 13, 2001
What is a Golden Glow plant? How tall does it get, does it spread fast, does it have another name?

Answer from NGA
May 13, 2001
Common names can vary considerably, but I have a reference that lists a Rudbeckia laciniata 'Golden Glow.' It is in the same genus as black-eyed Susan, which is R. hirta. It grows to 6-7 feet tall and blooms summer through fall with 2-3 inch flowers with drooping yellow rays around a green disc. They are heat tolerant, take full sun, and regular water. Aphids are attracted to it. It does not self-sow but spreads invasively by underground runners. It is easy to divide.

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