Non Budding Dwarf Dalias - Knowledgebase Question

Chantilly, VA
Avatar for kimcarter
Question by kimcarter
May 15, 2001
I planted dwarf dalias too early and it got very cold 3 nights but not a frost, back in April. I covered them each of the cold nights. Since then I have been watering them regularly and once a week with miracle grow. They are green have lots of leaves and buds but have not flowered yet. The buds are fresh and not dried up. Will they bloom again or am I wasting my time and should replace them?

Answer from NGA
May 15, 2001
The buds should open into flowers as long as they are not damaged or dried out. If the plant had already bloomed, make sure you removed the spent blossoms (deadheaded) to prevent the plant from forming seed pods, if not, do it now. The seed pods can look like flower buds.

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