There Are Ants All Over My Peonies! - Knowledgebase Question

Chicago, IL
Avatar for Donnabyrd1
Question by Donnabyrd1
May 19, 2001
Every year when my Peonies come up I find ants all over the buds. Even when the plant blooms the ants remain. What can I do to safely get rid of them?

Answer from NGA
May 19, 2001
Contrary to popular belief, ants are not essential to making peonies bloom, but they are companions of peonies because they feed on the nectar produced by the blossoms. If ants are a problem, you can bait to kill them, but they're generally happy in the garden and probably won't invade your house. If you plan to cut the blossoms, hold each one under water for a minute or so to dislodge any hitchhiking ants before you take the flowers indoors. Peonies and ants have a symbiotic relationship. The peony produces substances the ants like and, in turn, the ants protect the peony from predators!

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