Pest Identification And Advice - Knowledgebase Question

Heath Springs, SC
Avatar for menkal
Question by menkal
May 20, 2001
I've gone thru many of your Q&A answers on control of moles but that may not be my problem. Something is tunneling thru my garden and eating my potato roots. The soil is very loamy and the tunnels are about two inches under the surface and no mounds are evident. My first indication is the wilting of the leaves. When I lift the plants the trunk goes about 1/2 inch into the soil and then there is nothing but a tunnel. No other vegetables are being effected.
I have no idea what a vole is. My dog has dug up several moles within 100 yards of the garden.
Please advise and I thank you for being here.

Answer from NGA
May 20, 2001
Voles are tiny creatures, and are sometimes referred to as field mice. They don't dig tunnels or make large mounds, but they'll use tunnels made by other critters. Moles don't always make visible, above-ground tunnels, either, but can simply make mounds of soil, with a hole in the top, along their paths. Gophers dig tunnels and leave fan-shaped mounds with a hole near the edge. If your dog has captured moles, you may have voles using the old tunnels. If so, the most effective control involves simple mouse traps, baited with peanut butter and/or bacon.

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