Something Is Eating My Petunias - Knowledgebase Question

Spokane, WA
Avatar for pilarnels
Question by pilarnels
May 26, 2001
I planted petunias and the leaves on then are being eaten by somthing. I looked for sowbugs and foung none...what is eating the! I have planted them in the same area before without any problems...Thanks.


Answer from NGA
May 26, 2001
I wonder if snails or slugs are visiting at night? You might venture out after dark with a flashlight to see if you can find the culprits. If so, handpick them, or set traps by inverting a clay pot in your garden and propping it up with a few stones. Slugs will hide in the pot and in the morning you can dispose of them. Good luck with your petunias!

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