The chipmonks on our property have tunnelled under our above-ground pool, our garden, and basically all over the yard. They have also begun nesting over the winter in our basement. How can we legally get rid of them? |
I'd think first about trapping the critters. Failing that, the easiest would probably be to cover the soil around planting beds with sheets of 1-2 inch diameter wire mesh. Cats, chipmonks and bunnies don't like to walk on it. You can also try pruning trees so the lowest branches are at least 6 feet above ground and placing 2 foot wide metal bands around the tree trunks, positioning them so the bottom of each band is at least 2 feet off the ground. This will discourage chipmonks from taking up residence in your yard. I realize these aren't really simple solutions...but it's not a simple problem! Are you sure that chipmonks are the only culprits? Could you also be having trouble with a woodchuck, squirrel, or a family of rabbits? |