Bringing Bougainvillea Indoors For Winter - Knowledgebase Question

Stillwater, MN
Avatar for kjboyts
Question by kjboyts
June 11, 2001
I have planted a Purple Queen Bougainvillea in our garden and it is growing well and using a trellis. My concern is what to do when Fall arrives. I did not realize when I purchased the plant that it would not survive our winter outdoors. Can I bring it in and how would I do that, soil type, pot size, etc. Would you suggest leaving it in a pot for future summers?

Thanks for your help.

Answer from NGA
June 11, 2001
If you have a bright, sunny location indoors it might overwinter for you. Any well-drained potting soil will do. Use a pot that is at least 18 inches deep and wide. Don't overwater or over fertilize. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings and fertilize no more than once a month. If you can overwinter it, leaving it in a pot might be best, as constantly transplanting it will be a shock to its root system.

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