Yellow Bugs On Vine - Knowledgebase Question

Arlington, VA
Avatar for esapienza
Question by esapienza
September 5, 2001
I have a potted tropical vine (it blooms pink flowers during the summer). This morning I noticed there were yellow bugs all over the plant. Help. Can you advise me on how to get rid of these pests? How can I protect the vine from them in the future?

Thank you so much!

Answer from NGA
September 5, 2001
Unfortunately, based on your description, I am not certain which vine (maybe a bougainvillea or a mandevilla)you have and what kind of bugs are on it (maybe aphids). Without being able to identify them it is difficult to make a definite recommendation. However, you could try simply washing the bugs off with a spray of water from the garden hose. Often, doing this once or twice is enough to limit the infestation. If not, and if the plant is actually being damaged, then I would suggest taking a sample to your county extension for identification and their suggestion as to how to control the problem.

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