Replacing Lawn With Groundcover - Knowledgebase Question

Morgan Hill, CA
Avatar for abcede97
Question by abcede97
October 13, 2001
I would like to replace my lawn with a groundcover. I have a large corner residential lot. I live in Zone 8-9 in No. Ca.
It is in full sun. I would like something like St. Johns Wort size but in Pink and/or White.

Answer from NGA
October 13, 2001
Pratia would be a good choice for the site you describe. The plant is similar to Blue Star Creeper in growth habit (it's a relative), but Pratia produces white flowers. Another suggestion is Fragaria 'Pink Panda', an ornamental strawberry with masses of shocking pink flowers . Phlox subulata (Moss Pink) produces waves of star-shaped pink flowers. A final suggestion is Delosperma, or ice plant. These produce summer-long displays of color and are available in both white or pink daisy-like flowers. All will thrive in full sunshine and grow dense enough to shade out competing weeds.

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