I am not familiar with Turtlehead. I just bought it Oct 18th. Should I leave it in the pot in the garage & keep watered. It gets freezing & below. Or plant it under the deck, where it wouldbe a little protected but facing north Then move it in the spring where I want it. Should it then be in part shade or can it handle sun? Thank you so much for answering my gardening questions in the past so promptly! |
Turtlehead or Chelone does best in rich moist soil in partial shade, meaning dappled light all day or possibly morning sun. In average moisture soil, it will need more shade. It is usually very difficult to overwinter potted perennials successfully at home. Your best bet would be to plant it in the ground. It can be transplanted in the early spring if needed. Water it well and keep the soil moist until it freezes, also apply several inches of mulch over the root zone at planting time. Enjoy your new plant! |