Which Camellia To Choose - Knowledgebase Question

Carmel, CA
Avatar for morgandog101
Question by morgandog101
November 21, 2001
I would like to dress up a solid flat stucco wall on the front of my house that would be sort of a focal point of the house, and I was thinking of using an espaliered white camellia. My question is if you have an idea for which camellia to use or is there a better choice of plant that might have a longer blooming season or which might fill in a bit faster. Thank you very much, Dave.

Answer from NGA
November 21, 2001
Camellia might find the site inhospitable because of the reflected heat and light your stucco wall will produce. A better choice might be Cotoneaster, Bougainvillea or flowering cherry. Or, choose a vining plant such as Clematis or honeysuckle and plant it on a trellis against the wall. (Be sure to leave about 6" of space between the plant and the wall to allow for good air circulation and to keep the wall free of plant debris. Good luck with your landscaping project!

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