What Plants Do Well In Foggy Los Osos - Knowledgebase Question

San Luis Obispo, CA
Avatar for twoslosmiths
Question by twoslosmiths
January 30, 2002
I am doing a sunny deck of containers in Los Osos, CA where it is foggy in the summer. My client is wanting showy plants, not annuals. Please advise.
Thank You!

Answer from NGA
January 30, 2002
You'll have good performance from Cistus (rockrose), Coprosma, Cytisus (broom) Escallonia, Hebe, Lantana, Rosa rugosa, Westringia fruticosa (coast rosemary), Agapanthus (lily-of-the-Nile), Chrysanthemum frutescens (Marguerite), Dianthus, Santolina and Phormium on a sunny deck in a foggy summer climate. Enjoy!

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