Gardenia Leaves Have Dark Green Veins - Knowledgebase Question

Flanders, NJ
Avatar for minhson_amy
Question by minhson_amy
February 14, 2002
I have recently purchase a monrovia gardenia for indoor plant. The plant has a lot of small buds, however, all the big buds turn brown and fell off. I have since increase the humidity via humidifier and tray of stones&water. Now the young leaves are light green with dark veins. Does the plant need fertilizer? iron? Can I fertilize it while it has buds? Please advice me the best course of action. (The plants also has tiny black bugs and is being treated with mild soap)

Answer from NGA
February 14, 2002
too that a high humidity level helps to combat spider mites.

I hope this helps you trouble shoot your plant. Don't be discouraged, this is a tough one to grow at home especially without a greenhouse. too that a high humidity level helps to combat spider mites.

I hope this helps you trouble shoot your plant. Don't be discouraged, this is a tough one to grow at home especially without a greenhouse.

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