The Yellow Trumpet Creeper Campsis Radicans 'flava' - Knowledgebase Question

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Question by Ppesce8971
April 20, 2002
The above listed plant has started to foliage but only the top vines w/ the lower vines remaining bare,is it because its the beginning of the cycle and if not what is wrong and how can we correct it...This is our third year w/ this plant,and last year it was abundantly full of foliage, all at the same time...

Answer from NGA
April 20, 2002
In my experience this vine will naturally become somewhat bare at the base as it matures because the foliage tends to cluster at the tips. To counter that, you could selectively prune some of the longest vines back to the ground or back to about two feet to try to encourage new growth from the base while still maintaining the height. This will not hurt the vine if you do it in late winter or early spring since it blooms on new wood, in fact it may stimulate additional blooming and will also help you keep the plant under control over time. Do not prune the vine in summer however or you will be removing flower buds.

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