Pandora Vine??? - Knowledgebase Question

Norristown, PA
Avatar for jmc19117
Question by jmc19117
August 7, 2002
I bought this plant at a Frank's Nursery (tag said Pandora's vine). I can not find much information on it. It has a pretty white flower with what seems to be light purple coming out fron the center of the flower, but very light, like a lavender and not much of it. The leaves are green w/ no variation in green. I want to know if you think the Pandora Vine is what I have and how do I care for it. Full sun little sun???? Should I bring it indoors in the winter???? I planted it in the ground, should I keep it in a pot???

Thank you sooooooo much I have been searching all over for answers.

Answer from NGA
August 7, 2002
Pandorea pandorana sometimes called Pandora Vine or Wonga-wonga vine has a flower with the coloring you described. It is a warm climate plant originally from Australia, grows and twines to 20 feet and likes plenty of sun. This one flowers for just a few weeks each year.

There is another Pandorea, P. jasminoides also called Bower Vine, which flowers over a longer period of time. The variety "Rosea" might also match your flower description.

Whichever it is, you will definitely need to bring it indoors for the winter, and give it as much sun as possible indoors and outside each summer. You may want to keep it in a good sized container to make the job easier.

Enjoy your vine, they are gorgeous!

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