Non-blooming Double Mock Orange - Knowledgebase Question

Pottstown, PA
Avatar for cldewees
Question by cldewees
August 15, 2002
I have had a double mock orange for about 5 years now and it still has not bloomed!!! It's located in my front yard where there is a combination of sun and shade. I give it mulch from time to time, not regularly because I didn't think it was a high maintenance shrub. Can you offer any suggestions on how to get it to flower? Thanks.

Answer from NGA
August 15, 2002
Your mock orange is not alone; there are occasional reports of mock oranges that are shy to bloom such as this and for no apparent reason. Apart from patience, and making sure you are not pruning it at the wrong time of year (any pruning would be done immediately after the typical bloom time), there is not a lot you can do. Although certainly not high maintenance, they do appreciate a few inches of organic mulch year round and possibly an application of compost and/or complete granular fertilizer such as 10-10-10 each spring. Watering deeply in times of extreme drought can also help keep them in tip top condition. Lastly, they do seem to grow and bloom best in full sun all day long, but will tolerate a bit less than that. Maybe next year will be "it" for your mock orange.

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