Could you tell me what fruit trees would do best in my front yard which gets medium to full sun in dana point, ca? We want to plant an edible fruit tree. Also, which lilac would do best under same conditions? I just purchased your blue skies and we would like to purchase another. Thank you, Jacinda |
For best growth and fruit production, fruit trees should receive a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunshine every day. If the site is sunny enough, consider peach, plum or apricot. If you have room, plant two for cross-pollination and a heavier yield. 'Stanley', 'Damson' and 'Sugar' plum trees do well in your region. 'August Pride', and 'Babcock' peaches produce reliably in southern California. 'Autumn Royal' and 'Golden Amber' are best choices for apricots. 'Lavender Lady' produces spectacular clusters of fragrant lavender flowers and will make a lovely companion to your 'Blue Skies'. Both are good choices for warm winter areas such as yours. Enjoy! |