African Violets - Knowledgebase Question

Name: NGA Garden Shop Customer
Luray, VA
Avatar for pcaustin
Question by pcaustin
October 12, 2002
i have quite a few african violets and i would to know if they like humditiy

Answer from NGA
October 12, 2002
Yes, African violets do enjoy adequate humidity along with good air circulation but they seem to do well in most homes. To some extent the indoor humidity depends on the heating system you use; it is always a good idea to keep them out of drafts in any case. If you have a number of plants grouped together, this may supply enough humidity for them. If you feel more would be helpful, you might try using a pebble tray. This would be a shallow tray filled with pebbles and water. The water level is kept just below the top of the pebbles and the plant pots are set on the pebbles. (The bottoms of the pots should always be above the water level.) Top up the water in the tray as it evaporates to help maintain a higher humidity level in the immediate area. Another option would be to use a humidifier. Finally, do not overheat the plants as htis can increase their humidity needs. They are quite happy with days at about 70 degrees or a little higher and nights slightly cooler, about 65 degrees. Good luck with your African violets!

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