Flower Carpet Groundcover - Knowledgebase Question

Venice, CA
Avatar for kfkplumber
Question by kfkplumber
October 15, 2002
The Coral Flower Carpet, is it an annual or perennial? Is it trailing or mounding? How high does it grow? We would like to use it in a parkway. Can it take light foot traffic? Where can I find a picture online?

Answer from NGA
October 15, 2002
'Coral Carpet' is a groundcover rose. It's a deciduous perennial with a mounding growth habit, generally reaching 24" high and 36" wide. It can take light foot traffic but because the canes are intertwined, people might trip when walking over it. Usually it's planted in areas where there is no foot traffic, or where you want to discourage foot traffic. There is a picture on the Monrovia Nursery website. (http://www.monrovia.com

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