Are Crossvines Available In Any Other Colors Besides Tangerine Beauty? - Knowledgebase Question

Tullahoma, TN
Avatar for migliacciojo
Question by migliacciojo
January 2, 2003
The pictures we've seen of your Tangerine Beauty Crossvine are very pretty. Are Crossvines available with blooms of any other color such as pink or red? Are Crossvines recommended for zone 7?
Thank You.

Answer from NGA
January 2, 2003
Crossvine Bignonia capreolata "Tangerine Beauty" should be fine in zone 7. Keep in mind that it blooms best in a full sun location and that it can grow very large, at least 30 feet, so it needs room to spread. The natural flower color of the species is a brownish or reddish orange with some variation from plant to plant. Tangerine Beauty would have a consistent coloring in a cleaner orange.

If you are looking for a more reddish trumpet shaped flower on a hardy vine, you might look into some of the named varieties of Campsis radicans. It too is a very large and rampant grower (and its natural color is also orange.)

For pink trumpets, you might consider the non-hardy but lovely Mandevilla. This is usually available in the spring as a tropical patio plant and will grow quite large in the course of the summer if fed and watered adequately. It can also be overwintered indoors from year to year.

Your local nursery and/or county extension might have some additional suggestions based on a more detailed knowledge of the planting location. Enjoy your new vine!

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