If you are growing small roses as indoor houseplants, the most common reason for wilting is either over or underwatering. Your goal is to keep the soil evenly moist but not sopping wet. Allow it to begin to dry between waterings. Check it with your finger to see if and when you need to water again. The frequency will depend on many factors such as the temperature and humidity levels, the potting mix, the size of the plant in relation to the pot, and alos the amount of light the plant is receiving. For example, at cooler temperatures the plant will need less frequent water. Sansevieria is a popular and easy to grow foliage houseplant. It is tolerant of a wide range of household temperatures. Allow it to dry between waterings, and place it in medium light. It will tolerate a darker location but will not grow much if at all there. The only caution is to avoid overwatering it and also avoid wetting the foliage when you water as this may encourage bacterial or fungal problems. Good luck with your plants! |