Can I Put A Carolina Jessamine In A Pot On My Deck? - Knowledgebase Question

Maple Valley, WA
Avatar for junkyjunk1
Question by junkyjunk1
March 27, 2003
I purchased a Carolina Jessamine. I wondered if I could pot the vine so that it would still grow up my 7' high and 14' wide trellis (spelling?).


Answer from NGA
March 27, 2003
Gelsemium sempervirens, or Carolina Jessamine, is native to the Southeastern U.S. but will grow well in the Pacific Northwest. It needs full sunshine and can be planted in a large tub or pot, or directly in the ground. The vines grow rapidly to about 20' and will happily climb up and cascade over your trellis. Be sure the container you choose has adequate drainage holes, and fill it with a good quality potting soil rather than garden soil. Plants in containers need frequent watering, so check soil moisture on a daily basis during the hottest weather. Enjoy your new plant!

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