What Plants Compliment Nandina - Knowledgebase Question

Olympia, WA
Avatar for mvalko
Question by mvalko
May 5, 2003
I planted heavenly bamboo six feet apart along my fence line (140') in the rear yard. What do you recommend I plant between the heavenly bamboo along the fenceline? I have a large deck that I surrounded with the purple passion nandina so I have a purple theme going on in the backyard.

Answer from NGA
May 5, 2003
A few suggestions for purple leaf plants to complement your nandina include barberry, Cotinis (smoke bush), Pieris (purple turning to green leaves), Astilbe, Vaccinium (evergreen huckleberry), and Imperata 'Rubra' (Japanese Blood Grass). All grow best in full sunshine.

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