Yucca Propagation - Knowledgebase Question

Name: merlin hellman
Fort Madison, IA
Avatar for merician
Question by merician
June 29, 2003
I have several Yucca plants and would like to know how and when to start some new plants from them?

Answer from NGA
June 29, 2003
You can propagate yucca through division or through stem cuttings. Some yuccas are stemless and the foliage emerges from the crown of the plant. These types of yuccas produce small shoots at the base of the main stem. You can separate these offshoots from the parent plant and pot them up. If the plant has stems, you can cut a section of mature stem, strip all the foliage away and cut the stem into 4" pieces, each with a node (old leaf scar). Lay the cuttings on their sides on moistened potting soil and firm the soil around each cutting. About half-of the cutting should be above the soil. Keep the soil moist and new leaves will emerge from each node. Finally, if you want very quick results, you can dig the entire yucca plant and divide it (with an axe or a sharp shovel) and replant each division. Make sure each division has some roots and some foliage attached and plant directly in a garden bed. Yuccas are such resilient plants that you can dig and divide them any time of the year.

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