Our Himilayan Champaca has not flowered yet and this is the second flowering season after planting. They are growing nicely but no flowers. How to help them flower? Thank you Xianti Hoo |
There are a number of things that can retard flowering in trees and shrubs. The most common cause is immaturity - as soon as your tree matures enough to maintain health and support new growth, it should have enough reserve energy to produce flowers, as well. As second common cause of non-flowering is over-fertilization. Too much nitrogen can produce lots of lush, new growth at the expense of flowers. Finally, if you've pruned your Champaca, you may have inadvertantly cut off the flower buds. As long as your tree looks otherwise healthy, and it's getting enough sunshine and water, it should produce flowers - as soon as it is old enough. There's nothing you need to do to encourage flowering, other than to withhold excessive fertilizer applications and refrain from pruning. As soon as it's ready, it will begin flowering. Believe me, it will be worth the wait - Champaca tree flowers are some of the most fragrant around! Best wishes with your Champaca tree. |