During the Northwest ice storm my nandina plum passions lost all their leaves. What is going to happen? |
Nandina is usually an evergreen plant but excessively cold temperatures can cause defoliation. Leaves are usually lost when tempratures drop to 10F and stems can be damaged if temperatures drop to 5F. If your plant was otherwise healthy prior to the blast of cold weather it experienced, it should recover and sprout new foliage this spring. Wait until spring to see whether or not the stems were damaged. If no leaves develop, the stems are dead and should be cut back. More than likely the stems will be alive near the center of the plant where they were protected by the outer stems and the snow cover. Leaves and new shoots will probably develop lower down on the plant, but if not, cut the affected stems down to ground level. Healthy roots will produce new shoots which will eventually become upright stems with lots of new leaves. Best wishes with your nandina! |