i rec'd a witchhazel draft tree, need to know type of soil,if it likes full sun etc. does it attract hummingbirds, bees etc?? |
Witchhazels do best in evenly moist yet well drained, slightly acidic, and organic or humusy soil. They will grow well in full sun or morning sun or bright dappled light all day. I would not suggest a western exposure as this tends to be too hot in midsummer. I would also suggest good protection from winter winds. Depending on which cultivar you have, yours would bloom beginning sometime between early winter and early spring -- some start earlier than others. The flowers tend to open on warm days and close up again when it turns colder, so they can bloom over a very off and on over quite a long time. Some varieties are very fragrant, some are not. Since it blooms in the winter, there are not many insects around for it to attract. I would suggest planting it in a location where you will pass by it and be able to enjoy the flowers up close -- such as on the way to the mailbox -- there is nothing quite so wonderful as a witchhazel in full bloom in late winter! |