Establishing a new lawn - Knowledgebase Question

New Iberia, LA (Zone 8B)
Avatar for tmcuccio
Question by tmcuccio
April 3, 2005
We had a lawn full of St. augustine grass. the problem was it used to be sugar cane field and was bumpy. I had dirt brought in to help build up the land some and the entire area was tilled and harrowed. Progress was halted by wet winter weather. The clovers took over, I think they came in the new soil we added in. I have since added more soil and retilled and ready to seed the lawn if needed. Can I expect the pre-existing St.Augustine that was there before tilling to re-establish and if not,after seeding when can I do some weed control(weed/feed mabye)because I expect more clover and such.?

Answer from NGA
April 3, 2005

Clover won't resprout until next fall. Your St. Augustine may return sporadically but you probably should consider resodding or at least putting in strips with about a foot between them so it can fill in by the end of the growing season.

Pre-emergent herbicides can help deter weeds but may not be needed if you will fertilize and water the new grass to get it going fast. If you choose to use a pre-emergent product contact your Parish Extension Agent for some ingredient recommendations that will be effective against the particular summer weeds that are most common in your area.

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