No fruits on passionfruit vine - Knowledgebase Question

Sugar Land, TX (Zone 8B)
Avatar for argm18
Question by argm18
April 7, 2005
We have a Passion fruit vine in our back yard and it is 4 yrs old. it has purple flowers, and i have also tried pollination. before the flower reaches to its full bloom, it just dries out and dropped on the ground, some times the bud never opens. i have noticed a orange colored insect roaming over the vine, is this because of that insect that there are no fruits and also what kind of insect killers or repeelents can i use. thanx in advance.

Answer from NGA
April 7, 2005

I don't think the insect is a problem. If the vine is healthy otherwise I know of no other insect or disease that would cause a bloom to fail before fully opening. Most passionvine species do not fruit in your climate, but they should bloom well. You might try taking a photo of the blooms or some blooms themselves to your County Extension Office for them to look over and perhaps make a better diagnosis.

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